
African Love Poems And Proverbs

– African Proverbs –

Are you looking for the greatest African proverbs? Here are a few of the greatest African proverbs to keep in heed in every scenario!

African Proverbs

Many African youngsters as young as six years erstwhile are taught proverbs to assist them to navigate through life's issues.

To express everyday life lessons and practices, many African proverbs about life and wisdom are linked to the World and the creatures that inhabit it. Some proverbs are romantic, while others are humorous or thought-provoking.

From all effectually Africa, here is a collection of proverbs on life, love, and family. Some take been identified as belonging to sure tribes, ethnic groupings, or nations.

African Proverbs About Life

1. "Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual tin can encompass it."- Akan Maxim.

2. "Let your honey be like the misty rain, coming softly simply flooding the river."- Liberian Proverb.

3. "To love someone who does not love you is similar shaking a tree to make the dew drops autumn."- Congolese Maxim.

iv. "Don't try to make someone hate the person he loves. For he will go on loving only he volition hate y'all."- Senegalese Proverb.

5. "If dearest is a sickness, patience is the remedy."- African Maxim.

6. "Dearest, similar rain, does not choose the grass on which information technology falls."- Southward African Maxim.

7. "What you assistance a child to love can be more important than what y'all help him to acquire."- African Proverb.

8. "One does not dearest if one does not accept from others."- Nigerian Proverb.

9. "If in that location is cause to someone, the cause to honey has just begun."- Senegalese Maxim.

10. "Practice not call to a dog with a whip in your paw."- Zulu Proverb.

African Proverbs On Life

11. "Love is like a infant: it needs to be treated tenderly."- African Proverb.

12. "Estimate not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, only rather by the number of people who smile at you."- African Proverb.

13. "It is merely a stupid cow that rejoices at the prospect of being taken to a beautiful abattoir."- Zambian Proverb.

14. "Until the lions accept their historians, tales of the hunt shall e'er glorify the hunter."- African Maxim.

xv. "Beautiful soapbox is rarer than emerald, yet it can be found amidst the servant girls at the grindstones."- Egyptian Proverb.

xvi. "Despite the beauty of the moon, sunday, and the stars, the sky also has a threatening thunder and striking lightning."- African Proverb.

17. "Try this bracelet: if it fits you lot wear it; but if it hurts y'all, throw information technology away no matter how much information technology sparkles."- Kenyan Maxim.

18. "It's those ugly caterpillars that turn into cute butterflies after seasons."- African Proverb.

19. "If there is character, ugliness becomes beauty; if there is none, beauty becomes ugliness."- Nigerian Proverb.

twenty. "Although the serpent does not wing it has caught the bird whose dwelling house is in the sky."- African Proverb.

African Proverbs

Spirituality African Proverbs

21. "It is the duty of children to await on elders and not the elders on children."- Kenyan Proverb.

22. "Birds sing not because they have answers but considering they have songs."- African Proverb.

23. "Anyone who sees dazzler and does not look at it will soon be poor."- Yoruba Saying.

24. "There are many colorful flowers on the path of life, only the prettiest have the sharpest thorns."- African Saying.

25. "The i who loves an unsightly person is the one who makes him beautiful."- African Proverb.

26. "The skin of the leopard is beautiful, merely non his heart."- Baluba (Congolese) Saying.

27. "There is no beauty but the beauty of activeness."- Moroccan Proverb.

28. "There is ever a winner, even in a monkey's beauty contest."- W African Proverb.

29. "Didactics in youth is like engraving in stone."- Moroccan Proverb.

30. "The virtually beautiful fig may contain a worm."- Zulu Proverb.

African Proverbs Quotes

31. "A debt between children born by the same female parent is paid in a clever way."- Kenyan Proverb.

32. "Iii things cause sorrow to flee; water, dark-green trees, and a beautiful face."- Moroccan Proverb.

33. "If a kid washes his hands, he could eat with Kings!"- African Proverb.

34. "Children are the reward of life."- Congolese Proverb.

35. "The worlds of the elders do not lock all the doors; they leave the right door open up."- Zambian Maxim.

36. "Everybody loves a fool, only nobody wants him for a son."- Ivorian Proverb.

37. "Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty."- Nigerian Proverb.

38. "It takes a village to raise a kid."- African Proverb

39. "The laughter of a child lights upwardly the business firm."- African Maxim.

40. "A child is like an axe; even if information technology hurts y'all, you still carry it on your shoulder."- Bemba Saying.

African Proverbs

African Proverbs Near Love

41. "No affair how beautiful and well-crafted a bury might look, it will not make anyone wish for  decease."- African Proverb.

42. "Counsel and communication him, if he refuses to listen, and then let adversity teach him."- Ethiopian Proverb.

43. "Parents give nascence to the body of their children, but not e'er to their characters."- African Proverb.

44. "When yous follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him."- Ashanti Saying.

45. "Knowledge is like a garden. If it is non cultivated, it cannot exist harvested."- African Proverb.

46. "The young bird does non crow until it hears the old ones."  – Tswana Saying.

47. "When you evidence the moon to a child, it sees only your finger."- Zambian Maxim.

48. "A leader in the customs without a pot belly is a stingy man."- Nigerian Proverb.

49. "Past crawling a kid learns to stand."- West African Saying.

fifty. "1 should punish a child the start time he comes abode with a stolen egg. Otherwise, the day he returns home with a stolen ox, information technology will exist too late."- Ethiopian Proverb.

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Funny African Proverbs

51. "Nosotros desire to bestow two things to our children; the starting time 1 is roots, the other one is wings."– Sudanese Proverb.

52. "No matter how tall your grandfather was, you have to do your own growing."- Kenyan Proverb.

53. "A baby cannot exist heard crying in his mother's womb."- African Saying.

54. "The rainmaker who doesn't know what he's doing volition be found out by the lack of clouds."- Ugandan Proverb.

55. "Even the best dancer on the stage must retire sometime."- African Proverb.

56. "Other people's wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool."- Nigerian Proverb.

57. "To hold to take dialogue is the beginning of a peaceful resolution."- Somali Proverb.

58. "A quarrelsome chief does not hold a village together."- Malawi Proverb.

59. "Wood already touched by burn down is not hard to gear up debark."- Akan (Ghanaian) Proverb.

60. "You do not teach the paths of the forest to an old gorilla."  – Congolese Proverb.

Positive Words

African Proverbs About Family

61. "The king who shuts his eyes during famine in the land volition soon see ancestors."- Nigerian Proverb.

62. "He who beats the pulsate for the mad man to trip the light fantastic is no better than the mad man himself."- African Proverb.

63. "When the right-hand washes the left-hand and the left-paw washes the right-paw, both hands become make clean."- Kenyan Proverb.

64. "Slander by the stream will exist heard by the frogs."- Mozambican Proverb.

65. "If ii wise men e'er concur, then in that location is no demand for 1 of them."- Zambian Proverb.

66."The big game oft appears when the hunter has given upward the chase for the twenty-four hours."- African Proverb.

67. "A depression-form man will just talk; deeds are the hallmark of a gentleman."- Swahili Maxim.

68. "Knowledge without wisdom is just like water in the sand."- Guinean Maxim.

69. "He who knows not one thing knows another."- African Saying.

seventy. "A hyena does not change its spots even if it moves to a different forest."- Malawian Saying.

African Proverbs Near Friendship

71. "Teeth do not see poverty."- Kenyan Proverb.

72. "God has created lands with lakes and bountiful rivers for homo to alive. And the broad deserts then that he can find his soul."- Tuareg Proverb.

73. "Exercise not blame God for creating the tiger, just give thanks Him for non giving it wings."- Ethiopian Proverb.

74. "Advice is like a stranger; if he's welcome he stays for the nighttime; if not, he leaves the same 24-hour interval."- Malagasy Proverb.

75. "Itch on your hands and knees has never prevented whatever person from walking upright."- Kenyan Maxim.

76. "One who is willing to breast-stroke with cold h2o doesn't experience the cold."- Fipa Proverb.

77. "Information technology is the kleptomaniacal wood that tin can testify the best sculptor."- African Saying.

78. "In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and foolish build dams."- Nigerian Maxim.

79. "A bang-up leader is an ordinary person with extraordinary wisdom."- Malawian Proverb.

80. "I may accept two legs, but that does non mean ane can climb two trees at the same fourth dimension."- Ethiopian Saying.

Awesome Words

African Proverbs Most Children

81. "A wise man who knows the proverbs of the country reconciles difficulties."- Ashanti Proverb.

82. "The chicken that can dig for nutrient volition not sleep hungry."- Congolese Maxim.

83. "During times of peace in the country, the chief does not carry a shield."- Ugandan Proverb.

84. "A bird does not modify its feathers because the weather is bad."- Kenyan Proverb.

85. "No person is built-in bully; not bad people go great when others are sleeping."- African Proverb.

86. "Ane who possesses much wisdom has it in the heart, not on the lips."- Ugandan Proverb.

87. "Information technology is better to exist poor when one is young, rather than condign poor at old age."- Kenyan Proverb.

88. "When a needle falls into a well, many people will await into the well, but only a few will be ready to get down after it."- African Proverb.

89. "Even the king of the forest, the panthera leo, protects himself against flies."- Ghanaian Saying.

ninety. "A roaring panthera leo kills no game."- Ugandan Saying.

Awesome Sayings

91. "A man who pays respect to the great paves his own way for greatness."- African Proverb.

92. "In that location are no shortcuts to the top of the palm tree."- Cameroonian Proverb.

93. "One who has to yet larn to walk cannot climb a ladder."- Ethiopian Proverb.

94. "By the fourth dimension a fool has learned the game, the players take dispersed."- Ashanti Proverb.

95. "Those who end upward accomplishing great things pay attention to little ones."- Republic of mali Proverb.

96. "Don't procrastinate or yous will be left in between doing something, having something and being nothing"- Ethiopian Proverb.

97. "No matter how hot your acrimony is it cannot melt yams."- Nigerian Proverb.

98. "There is no elephant that complains about the weight of its body. No elephant is burdened past the weight of its tusks."- Kenyan Saying.

99. "If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do united states no harm."- African Proverb.

100. "The h2o of the river flows on without waiting for the thirsty man."- Kenyan Proverb.


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Wise Sayings

101. "A chattering bird builds no nest."- Cameroonian Proverb.

102. "Practice not await where you fell, but where you slipped."- African Saying.

103. "If yous ally a monkey for his money, the coin will go away and the monkey will stay the same."- Egyptian Proverb.

104. "He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is but taking a walk."- Malawi Proverb.

105. "No one became wealthy considering they broke a holiday and no one who gained weight because they broke a fast."- Ethiopian Maxim.

106. "If yous close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents."- African Maxim.

107. "Once you have been tossed past a buffalo, a blackness ox looks like a buffalo."- Kenyan Proverb.

108. "Ears that exercise non listen to advice, accompany the head when information technology is chopped off."- African Maxim.

109. "Practice not spend the evening in a house where y'all cannot spend the night."- Ethiopian Proverb.

110. "Though the lion and the antelope happen to live in the same woods, the antelope still has fourth dimension to grow up."- Ghanaian Proverb. Wise Words

Quotes of Wisdom

111. "Where you sit down when you are old shows where yous stood when yous were a youth."- African Saying.

112. "Just a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet."- African Proverb.

113. "You must attend to your business with the vendor in the market, and not to the dissonance of the market place."- Beninese Saying.

114. "When the rhythm of the drumbeat changes, the dance steps must adapt."- Namibian Proverb.

115. "The best way to eat an elephant in your path is to cut him up into little pieces."- African Proverb.

116. "A cut word is worse than a bowstring, a cutting may heal, simply the cutting of the tongue does not."-African Saying.

117. "A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is notwithstanding on the basis."- Igbo (Nigerian) Proverb.

118. "Wisdom does not come up overnight."- Somali Proverb.

119. "Non anybody who chased the zebra defenseless it, but he who caught it chased it."- South African Maxim.

120. "When sleeping women wake, they move mountains!"- African Proverb.

Famous Proverbs

121. "How easy it is to defeat people who do not kindle fire for themselves!"- Kenyan Maxim.

122. "The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth and the immature 1, in turn, looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth."- Akan Proverb.

123. "She is beautiful; she has love, understands; she respects herself and others; anybody likes loves, and honors her; she is a goddess."- African Proverb.

124. "A spider's fiber isn't simply its sleeping leap merely likewise its food trap."- African Proverb.

125. "Rain does not autumn on one roof alone."- Cameroonian Proverb.

126. "He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world."- Kenyan Proverb.

127. "If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom."- African Proverb.

128. "A women'south beauty is non hidden in her face."- African Proverb.

129. "A home without a woman is like a barn without cattle."- African Saying.

130. "If men swear that they desire to harm you when you are comatose, yous can go to sleep. If women say and then, stay awake."- African Proverb.

Famous Words

Curt Quotes

131. "If you educate a man, you educate one person. If you lot educate a woman, you lot educate a whole family unit."- African Proverb.

132. "When a bitter adult female takes over the business firm, the family she rules is doomed."- African Proverb.

133. "A diamond does not lose its value due to lack of admiration."- African Proverb.

134. "An former woman  is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb."- African Proverb.

135. "Rain beats the leopard's skin but it does non launder out the spots."- African Proverb.

136. "A adult female's polite devotion is her greatest beauty."- African Proverb.

137. "How gently glides the married life away, When she who rules still seems but to obey."- Kenyan Proverb.

138. "A mother cannot give nascence to something bigger than herself."- African Proverb.

139. "Sticks in a parcel are unbreakable."- Kenyan Proverb.

140. "Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile won't consume you."- African proverb.

Intriguing Sayings

141. "A family unit is like a woods, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its identify."- African Proverb.

142. "All the same far the stream flows, it never forgets its source."- Nigerian Maxim.

143. "When an old man dies, a library burns to the basis."- African Proverb.

144. "Show me your friend and I will show you your graphic symbol."- African Saying.

145. "We have non inherited this land from our ancestors; rather we have borrowed it from our children."- Kenyan Proverb.

146. "A doctor who invoked a storm on his people cannot forbid his own house from devastation."- Nigerian Proverb.

147. "If yous heal the leg of a person, do not be surprised if they apply it to run away."- African Saying.

148. "If yous retrieve you are too pocket-size to make a difference, you haven't spent the night with a mosquito."- African Maxim.

149. "When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father's manor."- Igbo Proverb.

150. "When the shepherd comes home in peace, the milk is sweetness."- Ethiopian Saying.

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Positive Proverbs

151. "Dine with a stranger but save your love for your family."- African Saying.

152. "Return to old watering holes for more than water; friends and dreams are there to meet y'all."- African Proverb.

153. "An army of sheep led by a panthera leo can defeat an army of lions led past a sheep."- Ghanaian Proverb.

154. "In a family unit, if you accept somebody who is troublesome it is the family members who are more than worried than the troublesome member."- African Proverb.

155. "Telling a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole in it."- Ethiopian Proverb.

156. "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you lot when you have forgotten the words."- Kenyan Saying.

157. "Unity is strength, division is weakness."- Swahili Maxim.

158. "Between true friends, even water drunk together is sugariness enough."- African Saying.

159. "If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them?"- African Proverb.

160. "Milk and honey have unlike colors, only they share the aforementioned firm peacefully."- African Proverb.

Motivational Sayings

Motivational Sayings

161. "Affairs of the dwelling house should not be discussed in the public foursquare."- Kenyan Saying.

162. "To be without a friend is to be poor indeed."- Tanzanian proverb.

163. "If you see that a town respects a calf, then cut the grass and feed it."- Ethiopian Proverb.

164. "If you want to go fast, go lone. If you desire to go far, get together."- African Saying.

165. "If your only tool is a hammer, you volition see every trouble every bit a nail."- Gambian Proverb.

166. "It is better to walk than curse the road."- Senegalese Maxim.

167. "Madness does not govern a country; discussion does."- African Proverb.

168. "The pillar of the world is hope."- Nigerian Proverb.

169. "If you lot are edifice a firm and a smash breaks, do you stop building or do you change the nail?"- Rwandan Proverb.

170. "Where at that place are experts there volition be no lack of learners."- Swahili Maxim.

FAQs about African Proverbs

Below are frequently asked questions virtually African proverbs

one. What are the best African proverbs?

▸ Teeth do not meet poverty.

▸ Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.

▸ Do not look where y'all feel, but where you slipped.

▸ The all-time way to swallow an elephant in your path is to cut him up into lilliputian pieces.

2. What are some Nigerian proverbs?

▸ The child of an elephant will not exist a dwarf.

▸ What an onetime man sees while lying down, a beau can never run across even when he climbs up in a tree.

▸ Only the thing for which you accept struggled will last.

▸ Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.

3. What is African proverbs and give 5 examples of it?

Proverbs are an integral role of African culture. Passed on from generation to generation for centuries, they are withal in broad use today and are very much part of everyday oral communication.

Proverbs are used to illustrate ideas, reinforce arguments and deliver letters of inspiration, consolation, celebration and communication.

▸ Just a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.

▸ Noesis is similar a garden: If information technology is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.

▸ Sugarcane is sweetest at its joint.

▸ If you offend, ask for a pardon; if offended forgive.

▸ Don't set sail using someone else's star.

iv. What are traditional proverbs?

▸ A bad workman always blames his tools.

▸ A bird in manus is worth two in the bush.

▸ Absence makes the middle grow fonder.

▸ A cat has nine lives.

▸ A chain is only equally strong equally its weakest link.

▸ Actions speak louder than words.

▸ A drowning human will clutch at a straw.

▸ Adversity and loss make a man wise.

v. What is a good proverb?

▸ The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

▸ Don't judge a volume by its embrace.

▸ Strike while the atomic number 26 is hot.

▸ Too many cooks spoil the broth.

▸ You can't have your cake and eat information technology besides.

▸ Many hands make light work.

▸ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

6. What are African sayings called?

Some are known to come from specific ethnic groups, or countries while others take an unknown source and are listed simply as "African proverbs."

Have a read and pluck out some ancestral insight from the motherland to carry with you today (and remember if you ever visit Africa).

7. What are some aboriginal proverbs?

▸ All that glitters is not gold.

▸ A moving-picture show is worth a one thousand words.

▸ All good things come to an end.

▸ Beggars tin't be choosers.

▸ A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a unmarried step.

▸ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

▸ Actions speak louder than words

viii. What are good short quotes?

▸ Dearest For All, Hatred For None.

▸ Change the world by existence yourself.

▸ Every moment is a fresh offset.

▸ Never regret annihilation that made you grin.

▸ Die with memories, not dreams.

▸ Aspire to inspire before nosotros elapse.

9. What are v positive quotes?

▸ Love For All, Hatred For None.

▸ Change the world by being yourself.

▸ Every moment is a fresh beginning.

▸ Never regret annihilation that made yous grinning.

▸ Die with memories, non dreams.

x. What is the best motto in life?

▸ "We may encounter many defeats but we must not exist defeated."

▸ "Be yourself.

▸ "One person can make a deviation."

▸ "Keep your eyes on the prize."

▸ "Every day is a 2d hazard."

▸ "Tomorrow is another day."

We hope this article on African proverbs has been enlightening likewise as motivating and inspiring. Delight try to share this article with friends, family, and colleagues. Thank you.

African Love Poems And Proverbs,


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